In her work, Lyoudmila Milanova deals with natural phenomena and the matter of energy, the tension between materiality of natural elements and the human need for control.
Lyoudmila Milanova studied at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne 2008-2011, after she had finished media theory studies at the University of Cologne till 2006. Her installations and videos have been awarded with numerous scholarships and grants, as well as internationally exhibited, including Berlin, Seoul, Kyoto, New York, Rotterdam and Moscow among others.
In her artistic work she deals with natural phenomena, technology and time. Often there are ephemeral substances like fog, clouds, light or the physical laws of solid things that are of interest. Her work includes video installations, kinetic sculptures, objects, photographs, performative elements, which result out of the interplay between digital media, scientific interests and elements of illusion and fiction.
HD Video / 17:56 min / 2018
The work deals with the nature of ephemeral substances and its immanent processes and thus approaches the contrast between the materiality of fleetingness and the human need for control and rather clear forms.
In ‘AGENS’ by Lyoudmila Milanova & Steffi Lindner, clouds and fog come and go, however only featured in interiors. Everyday scenes of the ephemeral – such as smoke from a cigarette, steam coming from a kettle or a dishwasher – gradually turn into peculiar cloud and fog phenomena. While becoming denser and more surreal, familiar vapors get increasingly detached from their conformed functionality.